Pellet Press TL700 for biomass
The pellet press is used to produce pellets from dried sawdust, straw, hay, corn, sunflower, and agricultural waste (e.g., waste from grain cleaning), whose physical and mechanical properties allow them to bond (the moisture content of the raw material must be between 12 and 15%). We offer pelletizing of test samples and other materials. Samples of cellulose waste, PVC, crushed rubber, and paper have already been successfully tested.
Spare parts for drag conveyors R 175, 250, 315, and RT 160, 260, 360
Redlery typu RT160, 260,360 se používá k dopravě obilí nebo jiných sypkých materiálů v přímém směru s přípustným sklonem do 10°.
U redlerů, které slouží k rozdělování materiálu do dvou a více směrů se mimo koncového výpadu používají ještě další výpady. Jsou ručně nebo dálkově ovládané a montují se do dna žlabu.
Redlery se používají v obilních silech, posklizňových linkách, výrobnách krmných směsí a v obilních mlýnech.
Spare Parts for TMS Machines
The Mill Machinery Factories (TMS Pardubice) were, until recent past, a very well-known company in Pardubice, supplying its products worldwide. However, in 1992, TMS Pardubice went bankrupt and the company eventually disappeared completely. For a long time, customers could not find a manufacturer of spare parts for the machines that TMS produced. It was our company that helped solve this situation by taking over the production to meet the emerging demand. Therefore, customers of the former TMS can continue to order spare parts for their machines from us.
Replacement parts for hammer mills MK, MKV, MU, MKT, UH, SUNP
We manufacture custom hammers for hammer mills. In our stock, you can find screens of various diameters, hammers including pins, bars, flaps with grinding heads, grinding plates, suspension rods, hammer mill rotors, frames, and screen segments.
Screw conveyors and spare parts TS and DSK
We supply screw conveyors and spare parts for screw conveyors. In our stock, you can find bearings, pins, couplings, casings, outlets, wear plates, and screw flights of various types.
Bucket Elevators
We supply spare parts for bucket elevators OKE, EK, EV, and custom-made buckets. We can handle pressed, folded, and welded buckets. In stock, we carry belt pulleys, lower and upper heads, elevator shafts, bucket screws, washers, and conveyor belts (kurta).
Steam mixer MN412U
The MN 412, MN 412U steam mixer is a machine designed for moistening bulk or crushed mixtures before granulation by steaming (moistening with steam), which mixes and transports the bulk mixture to granulation. It is designed for use in a production line only. The MN 412, MN 412U steam mixer must not be used separately.
Grain pre-cleaner PO
The PO 750 grain pre-cleaner is suitable for coarse pre-cleaning of cereals, corn, and other grains. It is used in grain silos and post-harvest lines or other operations for pre-cleaning dry, bulk materials. It has low power consumption, reliable operation, and compact dimensions.
Gravity Flow Elements
Soubor prvku spádové dopravy se používá při vtoku zrna nebo krmivárenských produktů do silových komor nebo podlahy skladišť, případně ke vstupu do silových komor za účelem čištění nebo kontroly.
Gama Pardubice vyrábí spádové prvky určené do spádových dopravních cest na silech, mlýnech, posklizňových linkách, zpracovatelských závodech a výrobních linkách.
Rotary mixing feeder
The Rotary Mixing Feeder (RSP), also referred to as the feeder, is a device that allows the input of a product to be transferred into a pressure conveying pipe by separating the pressure environment inside the pipe from the environment with normal atmospheric pressure, while simultaneously creating an aerosuspension of the product with flowing air in a ratio that enables product transport. Products typically include grains, flour, crushed residues, bran, feed mixtures, premixes, meal, dust, and more.